Talent Referrals

We are happy to receive genuine referrals of potential acting talent for our videos.

Please, however, take note of the word 'genuine' above. Here is what that means:

If you know someone who might be interested in acting at Studio588, please do the following:

1. First, ask that person if she is, or might be, interested. If not, stop there.

2. Second, tell that person you would like to refer her and find out how she would prefer to be contacted.

3. Third, contact Studio588, by email, to say you wish to make a referral. Provide contact information.
Contact Studio588, by email, to say you wish to make a referral but that that the person referred will contact the Studio. We will need at least that person's stage name to know when, and if, she has made that contact.

Take note that messages that simply say, "You ought to get so and so to do a shoot." is not a referral and will be ignored.